Friday, December 12, 2008

Recent Fun

I went out shopping on black friday (yes I was at kohls at 4 am) (and stood in line at toys'r'us) and one of things I got was new throw blankets, which came wrapped in what Katie thought resembled the masks the doctors at the "pospital" were wearing when she went in for her stitches. So, she wanted to wear it too, and operate on Steve and I (over and over again!)
Here's Dr. K in action:

Dr or Bank robber? I'm hoping Dr.

Having the appropriate surgical instruments is key...

Katie loves when I hold out the camera and take pictures of us. She always tries to mess with my hair right before the flash goes off.

I may live in the middle of nowhere, but I really do love the view. Here's a storm rolling in from my backyard.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Decorating the tree

Last night, after what we will not refer to as "the crayons in the dryer" incident of 2008-we finished decorating the christmas tree. [FYI- 4 crayons in Katie's pocket=completed ruined load of laundry which happened to include all of Katie's winter coats.]

YUM!! Dada's vegetable soup for dinner-I had to include this pick b/c man her mouth is huge!! She ate 2 bowls of soup!
Santa came by on the fire engine! Katie was thrilled!

Here's the girl in front of the tree ready to go out to see Santa. She hung a total of three ornaments and then lost interest, along with her dada.

The finished Tree!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Tree Time

This past weekend we went to cut down our christmas tree. Katie searched and searched and found the perfect tree. We had a lot of fun on the farm.

Snowman Katie..what a cutie!
Funny faces from dada and Katie

Cracking up running through the trees

We found the perfect one! Get to chopping dada!

Katie's boo boo

Katie had her first real trip to the ER two weeks ago. It was horrible for her and even worse for me. She was climbing a stool and fell down, bitting a huge chunk out of her lip. She needed three stitches in her lip, and she was such a brave little girl at the "pospital" as she calls it. She told the doctors that she didn't want them to tie a bow on her face. Anyway, just for the record, here are some shots that show of the injury, and also her stinking cute stink eye poses.

Mischevious stink eye version... you can see she had a nasty bruise on her chin too.

super serious stink eye mode.


We had the family over to our house again this year for thanksgiving and a good time was had by all. Poor Tate wasn't feeling that well, and went to lie down right when we sat down to eat dinner. But before that, even with a fever, she was being a her goofy self. Here are some pics from the day...

Katie with Ganny and Aunt Melissa
Everyone sitting down getting ready to chow down-the food was delicious!!

Frankie in Katie's little purple chair

Katie so happy right before a walk with Aunt Melissa!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fun Fall Day

Katie loves hanging out with Frankie, Lauren and "sister" Kayla. Here are some great shots from outside last weekend on a beautiful fall day. two are pretty unique-usually I'm behind the camera, not in the picture, and we actually got both kids to look at the camera and smile at the same time-very difficult!


It's taken a while, but our house is finally in color!! at least the kitchen, living room, foyer and hallways. and the color of the day-Green!!! Because there is no break at all in the wall between the kitched and living room, they had to be the same color. Red would be too much of a dark color. (I do love a red kitchen though-esp. Frank's hooker lipstick red!) Tan, toupe or some other shade of neutral wouldn't do. 1. I love color, 2. that would just be way to much brown with the maple cabinets and hardwoods. So, go green!! I think it turned out well, and am happy to finally have color in my house again! Now, what do do with the bedrooms....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Random Recent Cuteness

Katie and Kayla playing in the sand boat

Katie showing off her sculptural artwork

Katie's big beautiful smile

The camera gets to wear the silly glasses,
and then it's Katie's turn

Friday, September 26, 2008

They are too Funny!

Katie and Will hung out a bit ago, and I am super slow putting pictures up. Katie is having issues sharing her toys, hence two of them in the car and the compelely hilarious face at Will using her keyboard. Appearently she is also a bit of a tattle tale. Note her finger pointing (there was yelling that went with it) that Will is putting his fingers in the dip, which Katie is not allowed to do. She also ratted him out when he tried to take pens of my desk.

Riding the Rails

Katie has been asking to pick up daddy from the train station, so we headed down to Point of Rocks last Friday to watch the train come in. Katie was all good until the train whistled and scared the crap out of her! After that she WOULD NOT let go of Steve.


I love the fall, one of the best parts is apple season at Larriland! Every weekend, we go to pick apples. This past weekend, we got empires, Steve's fav.

Katie showing steve which ones to pick

Katie chowin' down! She usually eats at least two apples per picking session!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Katie's cousins are always so good to her, playing with her and answering to her every whim. She just loves when she gets a chance to hang out with them!

It was Ms. Katie in the kitchen with the Knife

Katie loves to be a momma. She carefully feeds, changes and bathes her baby dolls and stuffed animals. But most importantly, she puts them to bed. She will use anything she can find, dishtowels, dryer sheets, tissues, etc. to put her animals to "night night." We find night-nighted babies and animals all over the house, and it is always hilarious because she covers them compeletly, resulting in a very dead body/crime scene look. It was just too funny to me, when we walked in the kitchen to find this scene:

Clearly, it was Ms. Katie in the kitchen with the knife.


Friday, August 8, 2008


We love Football!

Go Ravens!! Here we are, dressed up for the first time this season to watch the Ravens first pre-season game.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I just got a flip video. I LOVE it. it's the size of an ipod, just a bit thicker, so it's super easy to carry everywhere, and the best part - it takes batteries, I don't have to worry about charging it! So, I've had it for 30 minutes, here is Katie's first video. She loves to sing.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Katie Loves a Carnival

Let me start by saying that whenever I tell Katie that I have to go to work, she asks "why?" then I tell her to earn money. And then she replies "for the rides?" The girl is all about carnivals this year, and going on so many rides all by herself. And she doesn't just do the actual riding by herself. She holds her tickets, in line, by herself. She hands them in, and gets onto the ride by herself, and then she gets off and comes out the exit gate by herself. I can't believe what a big girl she is getting to be. Speaking of which, you have to be 38" to ride the big swings, and they have that little measurement bar - well Katie passed with flying colors, but mom and dad weren't quite ready to let her on that ride by herself yet. Here are some she did go on:

She often looks terrified while the ride is in progress, but always asks for more, so that must be her this is really fun face!

She also played the duckie game, the fish bowl game (future post to come on that), and the water gun race game. Which she won. And picked a stuffed spiderman as her prize. Who now keeps her safe from the monsters when she goes to sleep!