Thursday, November 30, 2006

6 Wierd Things

OK, Jessie has "tagged" me to write 6 wierd things, so I'll play along . Here goes:
1. I have Synethesia. Yes it's a real thing, and no I'm not gonna try to explain it b/c it would take wayyyy too long.
2. I am afraid a bees. Really afraid.
3. I brush my eyebrows every morning, and get mad when Steve tries to mess them up. Now he'll mess up Katie's eyebrows in front of me, and that bugs me too! Poor girl.
4. I like tuna fish and peanut butter sandwiches.
5. I could NEVER write with just one pen. That would be torture. I used to have at minimum 3 pens in different colors in my classes with me to take notes.
6. Having trouble thinking of # 6, so I guess I'll go with the fact that I can sing 'row row row your boat backwards.'

Wierd enough for ya?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Gobble Gobble Baby Katie

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Despite not being able to get to DE because of Steve getting carsick, we had a good time at Kim's. Katie got to try a lot of "big people" food. As you can see fromt he picture, her favorite were the sweet potatoes. All the action made Katie a tired girl, she feel alseep as soon as her little head hit the carseat and her thumb hit her mouth!

Baby Blues

People are always commenting on Katie's big blue eyes. I never really thought her eyes were particulary large or anything, but then I looked at this photo. Look at those huge baby blues! I always said I hoped my children would get Steve's eyes. She looks more like a little girl and less like a baby everyday.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Office Ate my Camera

Sorry it's been so long between posts, and more importantly, between picutres. Those of you that have seen the our office understand the title of this blog, and that is the reason for the few and far between pictures...the office ate my camera. Well, not really my camera, but it did seem to take the battery charger into a black hole. I cannot find the thing anywhere! No battery charger = no camera. Don't worry, I will figure something out, I can't not take pictures of Baby Girl's first Thanksgiving! On that note..Happy Thanksgiving all!

Thursday, November 9, 2006

How was your Poop today?

I never would have thought that I would be so concerned with poop. Did she, didn't she, what did it look like, how much was there, what was the texture, like playdough? Yet this is the list of question I run through everytime that I talk to whoever is watching Katie. Yes, she's been having some "issues." So good news for Katie, she Pooped this morning and the anwers to all the questions were correct this time! Good news for you, I am not going to describe anything more about the Poop!

In completely unrelated, yet very monumental news, Frank and Ronnie are in for buying the townhouse! Very Very Very happy that we will not have to stage and list the house.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Not Just Katie Updates Anymore

So we are thinking of relocating Katie to a new house in Brunswick. In fact, we are more than thinking about it. If our mortgage loan gets approved and we can sell our townhouse, then Katie will get to say that she's from Brunswick. Selling a townhouse stuffed with way too much, well, stuff, whilst also having a 9 month old baby is going to suck! However, Quick Decision Maker that he his, Brother Frank is seriously considering buying our house, which would mean that we don't have to "stage" or "show" it. Needless to say, we are really hoping Frank comes through.

The baby cake is doing well. At her Doctor's appointment last week, she weighed 20 lbs, 9 ozs and was 30 inches long. She is still at the top of the charts and climbing. She is also crawling, pulling herself up to standing, clapping, pinching, dancing, and shrieking as loud and often as she can. She is also desperatly trying to push out some hair to cover her bald head.

Friday, November 3, 2006

Trip to Larriland

Two weekend ago we made a trip to Larriland to pick our pumpkins. Here are some pictures from our visit.