Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What Katie Might Look Like If She Had Hair

Katie has just been the most adorable, most agreeable, generally awesome baby recently. We hosted Thanksgiving at our new house for the first time, and Katie got to see "everybody" four days straight. She loved it! Talk about center of attention. Now we are getting ready for the next family holiday. So far it has been so much fun, and we don't even have the Christmas Tree yet! We have driven around to look at "christmas houses," wrapped presents and put out some decorations. And of course, we have watched "Wiggly Christmas!" It's going to be so much more fun this year with Katie understanding a bit more, talking a lot more, and she'll actually be able to unwrap her presents! Of which there will be way too many, but I just can't help it! Most toys Ifor her age are just not that expensive and I just can't stop getting her everything I think she would enjoy. I can't wait to see what she thinks of the tree!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sweetest Baby (and Cat) Ever

This is my very first video post. I hope it works, because a picture could not capture the sweetness of Katie holding and loving on Lucy. Of course, this cat is amazing for even letting a child Katie's age pet it, let alone hold and kiss it. Enjoy!

Lovin' Leaves

This weekend at Ganny's house, Aunt Melissa and Katie had a ton of fun exploding Gandaddy's leaf piles. Katie cracked everyone up with her jumping and throwing and just pure joy. I love the fall!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Candy Snatcher

The look on her face says it all.

Trick or Treat

Katie is totally into Halloween. We have that one house in our neighborhood that went crazy with the blow-up decorations and lights, she loves it and is so sad now that she can't see Halloween house anymore. We had trick or treating this weekend, and I must say, Halloween is much more fun when your kid can walk! This year, Snow White (a.ka. Katie) and Indiana Jones (a.k.a. Dada) went to several houses to collect candy, and she whispered "tank you" to everyone. The biggest fun on Halloween was not the trick or treating, but the trick or treators. Katie loved the kids coming to our house, ringing the ding dong, and handing out candy and mini playdough jars. All in all a very fun night.