Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Baby Rock Star

Tonight when I got home from work, we had a dance party! Katie started by playing some tunes, then broke it down, crazy baby style. The fashion, by the way, is ENTIRELY her doing.

This sweet baby? Act totally crazy? no way...

Katie doing her pumped up version of twinkle twinkle. I wish I had it on tape!

Rock ON!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Will's Birthday Party

Katie and Will chowing down on cupcakes!
Katie trying to dance/jump with Will, he's just not that interested!

The Baby Rave!

Happy Birthday Will!

In the Meantime...

Yes, yes it's been a long time. So I thought I'd post some highlights of what KK has been up to in the last two months.

Scaring people with her teeth (she thinks these are hilarious!)

Celebrating G.G.'s birthday!

Visiting Florida and the beach for the first time! She did great on the plane, although she did eat no less than 30 pieces of gum during the 2 hour flight. She LOVED the beach too!

Visiting Great Grandma in FL!

Joy riding in her new Jeep!