Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sick Baby Girl

Baby girl has been running a fever since Tuesday evening. She was up 2 times Tuesday night, and countless times last night. The poor girl is miserable. Even sick and exausted in the wee hours of the morning she is very cute, I couldn't resist a couple of pictures.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Too Cool for Drool

Katie is really into wearing her shades. Whenever we put them on her, she starts to crack up. Then she likes to push them up onto her head and wear them like Momma does. She's thinks she's so cool.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Busiest Week Ever

Here are some cute shots of the Katemister, which have nothing to do with this week, the busiest week ever, in which I am stuck doing a bunch of crappy things in a really short period of time. Namely, packing, going to the dentist, moving, cleaning, painting, unpacking. I can't wait for this week/weekend to be OVER!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bon Voyage

My cousin Nikki went to London to study for the semester. We visited My aunt's in Philly before she left, where Katie was enthralled with my cousin Josh's accordian playing, and being able to play a real piano herself. I think we have quite the musical child on our hands. She cries when Steve stops playing his guitar for her. My grandparents also came for a visit, and everyone had a great time.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The New Place

This is our new place! Pretty sweet, huh? Lots of open space...
But really, here's a pic of our lot and I can't express how much we can't wait for there to actually be a house on it that we can move into.

Friday, January 5, 2007


You know how I used to say that Katie had a poopsplosion? Well, she rarely has those anymore, but today she wordploded! That is to say, she is trying to say all kinds of words today. She started with repeating colors while steve was reading her color book (she said red, and of course, purple) and since then, since she is being such a chatterbox, we keep presenting her with new things to say. She has added bye bye, lion, and ball to her list. She has never tried to mimick our speech this much, we are very excited!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Christmas with Baby Tatie

Katie's first Christmas was great. We visited Granny, where katie got TMX Elmo, which scared the crap out of her, my parents house, then took a road trip to Deleware to visit my Dad's family, where Katie stuffed her face and played with Barbies for the first time. She 'baby hulked' and played hide and seek all day making everyone laugh.