Friday, September 26, 2008

They are too Funny!

Katie and Will hung out a bit ago, and I am super slow putting pictures up. Katie is having issues sharing her toys, hence two of them in the car and the compelely hilarious face at Will using her keyboard. Appearently she is also a bit of a tattle tale. Note her finger pointing (there was yelling that went with it) that Will is putting his fingers in the dip, which Katie is not allowed to do. She also ratted him out when he tried to take pens of my desk.

Riding the Rails

Katie has been asking to pick up daddy from the train station, so we headed down to Point of Rocks last Friday to watch the train come in. Katie was all good until the train whistled and scared the crap out of her! After that she WOULD NOT let go of Steve.


I love the fall, one of the best parts is apple season at Larriland! Every weekend, we go to pick apples. This past weekend, we got empires, Steve's fav.

Katie showing steve which ones to pick

Katie chowin' down! She usually eats at least two apples per picking session!